Mr. Decker explains that having a photographic memory was helpful to exceed in intelligence.
Out of the Infantry
When Mr. Decker is seen talking to a prisoner in German, an officer questions him about his language skills.
Shooting At Enemy Planes
Mr. Loranger talks about a dangerous way to relax; shooting at enemy fighters.
A Church With Two Steeples
Mr. Loranger describes the results of misidentifying a target area.
Heat of the Shrapnel
Mr. Loranger recalls a close call he had with a piece of Shrapnel.
Not a Shot Fired.
Mr. Loranger discusses the clearing of Dieppe and a clever German artillery installation.
Hitler Youth - POW
Mr. Loranger talks about an encounter with a Hitler Youth, POW.
Quite A Mess
Mr. Loranger discusses how difficult it was to advance in the French countryside. He also discusses a tactic the Germans used to kill hundreds of Canadian soldiers.
Anti-tank Gun
Mr. Loranger questions the tactics they were compelled to use against tanks and artillery.
Join the Army
Mr. Clemett offers youth his perspective on why they might consider the army as a career.
The Lee Enfield Rifle
Mr. Clemett compares weapons and discusses his deployment in Belgium
We Just Kept Marching
>Mr. Clemett describes events on and immediately following the day the war ended.