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332 results returned
Drinking Before A Trip

Drinking Before A Trip

Mr. Goettler talks about a lesson he learned the hard way about drinking the night before a flight.

A Helpful Native

A Helpful Native

Mr. Goettler describes getting lost in the jungle and trying to find water.

Dangerous jungle hike

Dangerous jungle hike

Mr. Goettler talks about a dangerous jungle survival training hike.

Water Buffalo

Water Buffalo

Mr. Goettler talks about a strange encounter he had during a survivor’s course.

Sick in Karachi

Sick in Karachi

Mr. Goettler talks about the unpleasant challenges he met being ill on a five day train ride through India.

Desire to Join the Air Force

Desire to Join the Air Force

Mr. Linden shares his story of going home to Winnipeg for Christmas and telling his mother that he was joining the air force.

Canadians, The Very Best!

Canadians, The Very Best!

Mr. Bérard reflects on his lifelong resentment of Japan, has harsh words about Canada’s military decisions but finishes by expressing his total respect for the officers and men with whom he served.

I was Charged With Sabotage, I Thought I was Finished

I was Charged With Sabotage, I Thought I was Finished

Mr. Bérard describes working in the Kawasaki steel yards and being beaten for alleged sabotage of a pipe elbow.

I was Right on top of the Engine.

I was Right on top of the Engine.

Mr. Bérard describes being shipped to Japan, defiance of the Geneva Convention by the Japanese, and an entertaining arrival in Nagasaki.

The Japanese Forced me to Saw Their Legs Off

The Japanese Forced me to Saw Their Legs Off

Mr. Bérard describes being forced under threat of death to “shorten” the bodies of the dead to fit the smaller Japanese caskets, and risking his own safety to ensure that proper burials took place.

He Shouldn’t Have had Three Pips up There, he Should Have had Three Halos.

He Shouldn’t Have had Three Pips up There, he Should Have had Three Halos.

Mr. Bérard discusses the fact that the POW’s were blessed with terrific doctors. Despite this, these MD’s often suffered disappointment and humiliation.

Caster Oil Did the Trick

Caster Oil Did the Trick

Mr. Bérard describes the food at Sham Shui Po, and how his discomfort leads to an unusual dietary supplement.

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