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286 results returned
Fighting into Holland

Fighting into Holland

Mr. Enman recalls fighting into Holland, describing moving along the dykes and witnessing how Nazi sympathizers were being treated in Amsterdam. He then describes the crossing of the Rhine, and how they were cautious after the war ended, worried German troops may not be aware the war was over.

Ignorant to Starvation

Ignorant to Starvation

Mr. Enman explains how ignorant he and others were toward starvation in Europe, describing throwing chocolate to Sicilians and not understanding their reaction, and how they didn't realize at the time how much food they took from the starving Dutch population.

War Hits Home

War Hits Home

Mr. Enman explains how the reality of war didn’t truly sink in until so many Canadians were lost during the Dieppe raid.

I flagged the tank

I flagged the tank

Mr. Brice describes the Allied armoured advance at the bridge, with casualties on both sides.

Cut the fuse wires

Cut the fuse wires

Mr. Brice describes the process of removing three bombs from the roadbed on the bridge under cover of darkness and under threat of snipers.

Five bricks missing

Five bricks missing

Mr. Brice describes his reconnaissance of the bridge and crawling to safety under the nose of a sniper.

Remove the charges

Remove the charges

Mr. Brice describes opening his sealed orders which instruct him to de-boobytrap the bridge at Domart. He discusses what, and how many explosives he expects to find.

Sealed orders

Sealed orders

Mr. Brice describes being singled out to lead a secret mission, and his confusion about where he and his section would see action.

Awaiting The Return Of Aircraft

Awaiting The Return Of Aircraft

Mr. Campbell describes the tension that is felt within the interrogation office on a return mission awaiting the return of aircraft.

The Importance Of Survival

The Importance Of Survival

Mr. Campbell describes his situation when caught in an air raid and describes the act for survival during this type of warfare

Tricking German Submarines

Tricking German Submarines

Mr. Campbell speaks about the effectiveness of radar in relation to transmitting signals from the aircraft detecting German submarines through frequency control.

Discovery Of Magnetron

Discovery Of Magnetron

Mr. Campbell describes his responsibilities as a radar mechanic with the Bomber Command and the equipment used during his service.

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