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849 results returned within war Canadian Armed Forces
A Woman in the Armoured Corps

A Woman in the Armoured Corps

Ms. Dupuis speaks about her decision to joining the Armoured Corps and the obstacles that she faced.

The Comfort of A Dog

The Comfort of A Dog

Mr. Villeneuve expresses how his dog, Vardo, has given him new life providing protection and security from the trust of his new companion.

Stricken with PTSD

Stricken with PTSD

Mr. Villeneuve openly shares his personal experiences with his illness and the effect it has had on himself and his family

Comfort in Sharing With Fellow Soldiers

Comfort in Sharing With Fellow Soldiers

Mr. Villeneuve explains the strong sense of comradery amongst his fellow soldiers and the willingness to share the level of fear and anxiety experienced

A Convoy Through the Pacman Route

A Convoy Through the Pacman Route

Mr. Villeneuve shares his encounters with snipers, dangerous roads and tension while holding responsibility for a fifty person convoy thru the mountains

Bosnia Mission, “The Worst of them all!”

Bosnia Mission, “The Worst of them all!”

In the words of Mr. Villeneuve, he describes his mission to Bosnia as the most dangerous and confrontational experience as driver during a negotiation process with the Bosnian army

Choosing Not to Provide to the Children

Choosing Not to Provide to the Children

Similar to all missions, Mr. Villeneuve describes the presence of the children and their constant begging, yet soldier’s decision not to provide in fear of their lives and the children’s.

Only Seconds to Make A Decision

Only Seconds to Make A Decision

Mr. Villeneuve describes a situation where his life was in danger, weapon pointed at him by a Turkish soldier yet respecting the rules of engagement.

Interaction with the Local People

Interaction with the Local People

As a driver of the Operational Officer, Mr. Villeneuve shares his typical daily routine and opportunities he has to interact with the locals.

First Mission to Cyprus

First Mission to Cyprus

As part of Recce Platoon 3rd Battalion, Mr. Villeneuve speaks about his first deployment to Cyprus and the risk and danger to his own life on this mission.

The Lady who Kissed my Boot

The Lady who Kissed my Boot

After experiencing a traumatic incident, Mr. VanIderstine shares an inspirational story of how an old lady showed her appreciation for the soldier’s protection.

Cyprus and its Culture

Cyprus and its Culture

After experiencing a traumatic incident, Mr. VanIderstine shares an inspirational story of how an old lady showed her appreciation for the soldier’s protection

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