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849 results returned within war Canadian Armed Forces
Reflections on Peacekeeping

Reflections on Peacekeeping

Mr. Dubinski discusses the need for proper support and equipment for our peacekeepers. He applauds Canada’s firm but compassionate approach to intervention.



Mr. Dubinski describes teletype communications and the importance of the military’s communications infrastructure.

An Army of Amateurs

An Army of Amateurs

Mr. Dubinski discusses Congolese “armies” being led by uneducated low ranking leaders.

The Jeunesse, Congo’s Youth Army

The Jeunesse, Congo’s Youth Army

Mr. Dubinski describes random acts of violence at the hands of the Jeunesse, Congo’s Youth Army. He feels that although his mission helped calm civil unrest, the hiatus was temporary.

Impressions of Leopoldville, Congo

Impressions of Leopoldville, Congo

Mr. Dubinski describes the impact of the Belgiques being expelled from the Congo and in particular, from its capitol city Leopoldville.

Military Prison

Military Prison

Mr. Dubinski describes escorting prisoners back to Canada from Germany and the impact that the military prison in Camp Borden had on his conduct for the duration of his career.



Mr. Dubinski describes enlisting in Calgary and being singled out for service in the Signal Corps

The Value of What We Do

The Value of What We Do

Mr. Deveau expresses his pride for what the Canadian military does for other countries and the importance of their presence there.

A Positive Change to Family Support

A Positive Change to Family Support

Mr. Slusar provides his opinion of how the military has made a positive step to providing support to the family when the soldier returns home.

Protection with a Firearm

Protection with a Firearm

Mr. Wiseman explains the level of readiness a soldier has to have while under constant threat of intimidation.

Victims of a Congolese Attack

Victims of a Congolese Attack

Mr LeBlanc recalls seeing some Belgiques victims arriving at the hospital after a Congolese attack.

History of the Congo

History of the Congo

Mr LeBlanc gives a brief history of the situation which had developed in the Congo before he arrived.

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