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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Close Calls

Close Calls

Mr. Abdallah talks about a couple of close calls he had while stationed in Paulson.

Wireless Air Gunner Training

Wireless Air Gunner Training

Mr. Pitt describes his training experiences, including an amusing story about the antics of some of the training pilots ‘wing wrestling'.

Joining the Service

Joining the Service

Mr. Pitt explains his reasoning for joining the service, and specifically, why he joined the Air Force even though he was from a naval stronghold (Halifax) and his father was in the army.

We’re Still Looking After Each Other

We’re Still Looking After Each Other

Mr. Gilday talks about the lifelong bond he feels with his men and how they watch out for one anther.

Society of Our Own

Society of Our Own

Mr Gilday talks about the work he was doing, and then coming home. He goes on to talk about the connection he feels with others who served in the war.

Might Be Accused of Being a Quitter

Might Be Accused of Being a Quitter

Mr. Gilday talks about battle fatigue, and how he suffered from it.

That’s War

That’s War

Mr. Gilday talks about casualties in the field and how one handles it.

Black Devils, ‘There's More to Come

Black Devils, ‘There's More to Come

Mr. Gilday talks about some of their activities while holding the line at the Anzio beachhead.

The Mind Is A Funny Thing

The Mind Is A Funny Thing

All the training in the world doesn't prepare you for the real thing, and how the mind will tuck away some of the bad experiences one encounters.

A Ghostly Fight

A Ghostly Fight

Mr. Gilday talks about the battle on the top of the mountain, the FSSF's first time in battle.

Looking Back at Service

Looking Back at Service

Ms. Wilson looks back at her service and comments on her appreciation, in hindsight, for her own contribution.

Italian Campaign

Italian Campaign

Mr. Colbourne talks about fighting in Italy

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