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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Flying in bad weather  - Part 2 of 2

Flying in bad weather - Part 2 of 2

Mr. Romanow reads a piece he wrote concerning a crew lost to weather, and a similar experience he had.

Training the Gurkhas -  Part 3 of 3

Training the Gurkhas - Part 3 of 3

Mr. Romanow talks about his experiences with the Gurkhas.

Training the Gurkhas -  Part 2 of 3

Training the Gurkhas - Part 2 of 3

Mr. Romanow talks about his experiences with the Gurkhas.

Training the Gurkhas -  Part 1 of 3

Training the Gurkhas - Part 1 of 3

Mr. Romanow talks about his experiences with the Gurkhas.

The Manning Depot in Toronto - Part 2

The Manning Depot in Toronto - Part 2

Mr. Romanow talks about his experiences at the CNE Manning Depot.

The Manning Depot in Toronto - Part 1

The Manning Depot in Toronto - Part 1

Mr. Romanow talks about his experiences at the CNE Manning Depot.

Doing what Must be Done for Remembrance

Doing what Must be Done for Remembrance

Mr Ewing holds no grudge towards the government that blindly sent him in a hopeless situation and explains what he does to make sure it does not happen again.

Feelings Towards the Japanese People

Feelings Towards the Japanese People

Though he was taken prisoner by the Japanese and not always treated in the best of ways, Mr Ewing explains why he does not hold a grudge toward the people of Japan.

Return to Civilian Life

Return to Civilian Life

War camps and illness weakened Mr Ewing physically but they did not affect his mind and his return to normal life.

The War Ends in Japan

The War Ends in Japan

Even when the war ended, things were still somewhat dangerous in POW camps but some guards were good to the prisoners.

Trying to Keep Up with the War while in POW Camp

Trying to Keep Up with the War while in POW Camp

News about the progress of the war was hard to get by in POW camps but it still seeped in from time to time.

The Shinegawa POW Hospital

The Shinegawa POW Hospital

As Mr. Ewing recounts the conditions he and the other sick men lived in, we understand more about Japanese war prisons.

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