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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Decision to Join the Air Force

Decision to Join the Air Force

Mr. Muir recounts the process he took in training to become amid upper gunner in the Lancaster Bomber with RAF 50 Squadron.

Bartering at Sea!

Bartering at Sea!

Mr. Polowin tells a humorous story of his exchange with sailors involving a bottle of Irish whiskey.

Serving our Country all Worthwhile

Serving our Country all Worthwhile

Mr. Polowin reflects on his service and shares the pride he has for his contribution to the war effort.

An Important Lesson in Life

An Important Lesson in Life

Mr. Polowin shares a humorous story going to London with his buddies and forging friendships that have carried on throughout his lifetime.

Combat at Sea

Combat at Sea

Mr. Polowin describes naval battles in the English Channel.

Belief in Churchill’s Words

Belief in Churchill’s Words

Mr. Polowin recalls listening to Winston Churchill and the impact his words had in respect to being, “The beginning of the end.”

I Knew Very Little About the Navy

I Knew Very Little About the Navy

Mr. Polowin recounts his decision to join the Navy, his initial training and the adventures on his first voyage.

War is Terrible

War is Terrible

Mr. Hannam provides his view on the sadness of wartime and how he is so very proud of Canada’s contribution.

Reuniting After so Many Years

Reuniting After so Many Years

Mr. Hannam shares the emotional encounter with the sister of the little girl that died in his arms.

The Loss of the Little Girl

The Loss of the Little Girl

Mr. Hannam shares a heartfelt story on the loss of life of a little girl while on duty as stretcher bearer.

Uncovering the Mystery Many Years Later

Uncovering the Mystery Many Years Later

Mr. Hannam describes the mystery of who was shooting from the steeple of the church and how he found out the truth years later.

Casualty Clearing Station

Casualty Clearing Station

Reaching the assembly point, Mr. Hannam is busy recording casualties while at the same time assisting wounded infantrymen.

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