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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Search and Rescue Motto

Search and Rescue Motto

Mr Bishop tells the motto which the search and rescue lived by.

Friendly Fire at Falaise Gap

Friendly Fire at Falaise Gap

Mr. Allingham describes being nearly bombed by Allied aircraft, and then describes the devastation of the retreating German army by Typhoon bombers, all at Falaise Gap.

Give and Take at Carpiquet Airport

Give and Take at Carpiquet Airport

Mr. Allingham describes the difficulty in neutralizing a German 88 field piece at Carpiquet Airport, and how new radar made the task easier in later engagements.

Training a Gunnery Crew

Training a Gunnery Crew

Mr. Allingham describes the diverse training necessary to bring a gunnery crew to battle readiness.

If I had to go back, I would

If I had to go back, I would

Mr. Heron expresses his opinion on what is learned from War and if he had the chance to do it all again, he would!

Job Opportunities with the Signal Corps

Job Opportunities with the Signal Corps

Mr. Heron explains his duties as part of the Signal Corps and his interest in technical work.

Value for Service

Value for Service

Mrs. Stadnyk expresses her value and pride for the type of work she provided during her service time.

Learning to Ride a Bike

Learning to Ride a Bike

From the advice of a doctor, Mrs. Stadnyk is persuaded to learn to ride a bike and shares a story about the first time she rode.

Being a Cook

Being a Cook

Mrs. Stadnyk tells us about becoming a cook and what was involved in a typical day cooking in the mess.

Overseas on the SS Covina

Overseas on the SS Covina

Mrs. Stadnyk speaks about her opportunity to go overseas and the voyage across on the SS Covina.

War Was Declared

War Was Declared

Mr. Pridham explains about what it was like when the war was declared and how it effected him.

War was a Unifying Force

War was a Unifying Force

Mr. Aitken discusses his thoughts that the war unified Canada, and what his ideas of patriotism are.

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