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4752 results returned
Fortunately I was connected to the Canadian Pacific Railroad

Fortunately I was connected to the Canadian Pacific Railroad

Mr. Clemett discusses the revamped educational system and being selected to work for the railroad

Join the Army

Join the Army

Mr. Clemett offers youth his perspective on why they might consider the army as a career.

The Lee Enfield Rifle

The Lee Enfield Rifle

Mr. Clemett compares weapons and discusses his deployment in Belgium

We Just Kept Marching

We Just Kept Marching

>Mr. Clemett describes events on and immediately following the day the war ended.

The Forestry Corps

The Forestry Corps

Mr. Clemett describes in general how troops were mustered to the front line and details the responsibilities of his own unit

Becoming a Bugler

Becoming a Bugler

Mr. Clemett describes his enlistment and accepting a special role with his unit.

 Front Line Reinforcements

Front Line Reinforcements

Mr. Clemett discusses his pride in joining the army and being prepared to go to the front line.

Starvation Edema

Starvation Edema

Dr. Meiklejohn talks about the poor condition of the people in Holland at the time they were liberated.

Christmas at Ravenna

Christmas at Ravenna

Mr. Meiklejohn recalls action at Ravenna during Christmas, describing how attacks took place by advancing through minefields, resulting in numerous amputations. He then describes the cruel irony of men fresh from having their legs amputated, receiving socks as Christmas presents.

Torpedoed (part 2 of 2)

Torpedoed (part 2 of 2)

Mr. Meiklejohn continues his story, describing being picked out of the water by lifeboats and taken aboard the Monterrey - another ship from the convoy that had stopped to help. He also describes seeing the Santa Elena sink the next day, and explains why the Monterrey broke with normal procedure and stopped to offer aid.

Torpedoed (part 1 of 2)

Torpedoed (part 1 of 2)

Mr. Meiklejohn recalls when the ship he was on, the Santa Elena, was torpedoed and what went on in the moments after the ship was hit.

Stress of Being a Doctor Under Fire

Stress of Being a Doctor Under Fire

Dr. Meiklejohn recalls the first time he was under fire, and a close call another unit had with a German 88 shell. He then describes an occasion when the youngest member of the unit did become quite unnerved.

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