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4752 results returned
The Torture Continued

The Torture Continued

The treatment he received from his Japanese captors when his activities of passing messages in and out of the camp were discovered was the stuff of nightmares.

Caught and tortured

Caught and tortured

Mr. Routledge later took on a new and life-threatening duty of moving messages from the camp to contacts outside Sham Shui Po... and back again. He eventually is discovered by his Japanese captors. The consequences are terrifying.

Life at Sham Shui Po

Life at Sham Shui Po

While many Canadian prisoners at Sham Shui Po are sent off to work in the shipyards and coal mines in Japan, Mr. Routledge remains at the Hong Kong camp and is appointed to the position of second-in-charge of the Rations Party. He explains.

Tough Japanese Guards

Tough Japanese Guards

Back at Shamshuipo, now a prisoner-of-war camp, Mr. Routledge recalls the frightening treatments he and other prisoners received at the hands of the Japanese guards.

The Nightmare Begins

The Nightmare Begins

Mr. Routledge and those on Stanley Peninsula were marched to a prisoner camp at North Point. He describes the camp's deplorable conditions.

Hong Kong Falls

Hong Kong Falls

Recovered from his wounds, Mr. Routledge is assigned wireless operator to the brigadier in charge of the forces at Stanley. Japanese shelling of the town forces the troops to move to the Stanley Peninsula. Then, on Christmas Day, 1942, the order comes for all Allied forces to surrender to Japan. The commander of the forces on the Stanley Peninsula had other thoughts.

The Japanese Attack Shamshuipo

The Japanese Attack Shamshuipo

Hong Kong is under attack by the Japanese and Mr. Routledge recalls advice his father, a veteran of the First World War, had given him.

Good Food On Board Ship

Good Food On Board Ship

Mr. White remembers the quality of the food on board HMCS Sioux.

A Co-operative Effort

A Co-operative Effort

Mr. White explains the role and effectiveness of the international navy that was assembled to patrol the waters off South Korea during the years of the war, 1950-53.

Chinese Forces Invade The South

Chinese Forces Invade The South

Chinese forces, moving in through North Korea, invaded South Korea shortly after HMCS Sioux returned from the repair of their vessel in Japan.

Some Rough Water

Some Rough Water

Life aboard ship was not always smooth sailing, especially in stormy Pacific waters.

Shore Leave Excursions

Shore Leave Excursions

Occasional shore leave took members of the crew of HMCS Sioux to some interesting places, including the Japanese city of Nagasaki.

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