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4752 results returned
Jumpy Nerves

Jumpy Nerves

Mr. Gowing describes how although memories don't actually haunt him, events can trigger flashback type memories. He then describes how his jumpy post-war nerves made him a dangerous man to wake up, and recalls how he reacted to a firecracker thrown at his feet weeks after returning from Korea.

Under Fire

Under Fire

Mr. Gowing recalls what it was like to be under fire in Korea. He describes taking cover from shells and grenades being rolled down hills, liking it to hell.

Bren Gun

Bren Gun

Mr. Gowing describes the attributes of the Bren Gun.

Joining Up

Joining Up

Mr. Gowing attributes part of his ambition to serve Canada, to his learning of war as a child. He then describes how he left his job in the middle of work in order to enlist.

Suicide in POW Camp

Suicide in POW Camp

Mr. Maro recalls hearing of suicides in POW camps, and describes an instance of suicide the day before the camp was liberated.

Beaten By Guard

Beaten By Guard

Mr. Maro recalls being beaten by a Japanese guard for returning to camp to quickly from work.

Hospitalized Under Japanese Supervision

Hospitalized Under Japanese Supervision

Mr. Maro describes arriving at hospital in Java, Indonesia, just as Japanese troops were invading. He recalls being cared for in civilians homes, and being restricted by the Japanese for quite a while before being officially taken prisoner.

Twice Sunk (part 2 of 2)

Twice Sunk (part 2 of 2)

Mr. Maro continues his story, recalling how a second destroyer came to finish off the Prominence, and how the crew survived to return to civilization.

Twice Sunk (part 1 of 2)

Twice Sunk (part 1 of 2)

Mr. Maro recalls when the Atesbull was sunk, and the crew was rescued by a British cruiser. He then describes joining the Prominence in order to escape the invading Japanese, only to have the ships deck shot off by a Japanese destroyer.

Blown Up With Gunfire

Blown Up With Gunfire

Mr. Fisk describes sweeping up and disabling German mines.

The Age of the Zoot Suiters

The Age of the Zoot Suiters

Mr. Fisk describes his call up and a clash with Zoot Suiters in Montreal.

Everybody's Doing It

Everybody's Doing It

Mr. Fisk discusses his reasons for enlisting.

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