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4752 results returned
Deployment and its Effect on Families

Deployment and its Effect on Families

Major Mac Culloch expresses his thoughts on the time spent away from family and how it changes the lifestyle of all involved.

Pancakes for all Canadians

Pancakes for all Canadians

Mr. Mac Culloch shares a humorous story of how the fifteen Canadians in Sarajevo at the time share a pancake breakfast supplied by a care package from home.

A Successful Investigation

A Successful Investigation

Returning to Bosnia for the fourth time, Major Mac Culloch describes more of the varied tasks he encountered.

Gaining the Trust of the Bosnian People

Gaining the Trust of the Bosnian People

Remaining in Bosnia for another tour, Major Mac Culloch tells of his roles and responsibilities in disarming the folks of their weapons.

Smiles on Children’s Faces

Smiles on Children’s Faces

Mr. Mac Culloch expresses the changes he saw in the local population after his return to Bosnia.

Canadian Innovation Brought to Bosnia

Canadian Innovation Brought to Bosnia

With the use of trained detection dogs, Mr. Mac Culloch explains his role as divisional engineer in clearing landmines.

Heart-break in Haiti

Heart-break in Haiti

Witnessing the poor living conditions and lack of electricity, Mr. Mac Culloch shares his story of the sense of heart-break he felt towards the Haitian people.

Rebuilding the National Power Company

Rebuilding the National Power Company

Mr. Mac Culloch provides details at to his actions while working with the locals in the slums of Haiti.

First Deployment to Bosnia

First Deployment to Bosnia

Mr. Mac Culloch speak about his opportunity to deploy to Bosnia and his roles and responsibilities as operations officer.

A Secret Task as Operations Officer

A Secret Task as Operations Officer

Mr. Mac Culloch describes a task he was involved in resulting in an entire abandoned village being blown up.

Training as Military Engineer

Training as Military Engineer

Mr. Mac Culloch explains the phases one goes through during military engineer training and the feelings of satisfaction he obtained during his career path.

DIY Valentines for Vets Video

DIY Valentines for Vets Video


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