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4752 results returned
Negotiating a Truce

Negotiating a Truce

Mr. Henry discusses the difficulty in satisfying the Israeli and Arab factions in the Sinai, and the value of diplomacy.

A Plan of Occupation for Sinai

A Plan of Occupation for Sinai

Mr. Henry describes co-writing and implementing the rules of occupation for the Sinai Peninsula.

Liberation While Lost

Liberation While Lost

Mr. Toney describes becoming a Dispatch Rider after recovering from his second wounding and singlehandedly liberating a small town while he was lost.

Sniper Shots

Sniper Shots

Mr. Toney describes how losing his best friend to a sniper while they were on patrol together aroused in him a killer instinct towards the Germans.

Not Afraid, But Cautious

Not Afraid, But Cautious

Mr. Toney describes not being fearful but constantly on edge and his reactions towards seeing dead Canadian soldiers.

Shooting The Enemy

Shooting The Enemy

Mr. Toney describes his inexplicable sense of immortality and how he rationalized killing the enemy.

Demolition Training

Demolition Training

Mr. Toney describes joining the Engineering Corps and excelling at demolition.

Irish, French Or English

Irish, French Or English

Mr. Toney discusses his recruitment and the army’s failure to accept his Aboriginal heritage, forcing him to enlist as an Irish Catholic.

We Relied On One Another

We Relied On One Another

Ms. Streppa discusses the various emotional support networks that helped hospital and combat staff handle stress.

Managing Personnel in Cyprus

Managing Personnel in Cyprus

Mr. Henry describes being deployed to Cyprus and successfully managing his squadron in a somewhat uneventful theatre.

Reflections on Remembrance Day

Reflections on Remembrance Day

Mr. Gray reflects on his contribution on D-Day and remembers past and present service personnel.

Transporting the Wounded

Transporting the Wounded

Mr. Gray describes transporting the wounded back to England after D-Day.

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