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American Firebombing

Heroes Remember

American Firebombing

We almost got killed because the Japs wouldn't let us get out of the hut and we were standing there just cheering at American bombers. As a matter of fact, one of the last bombers that went over, they were firebombing Yokohama. We were standing outside of the door looking up and one of the big four-engine jobs came over and I guess they hit him with an ack-ack gun and all four motors just dropped off not too far away from the camp and of course the plane just crashed with everybody that was in it, whatever. But that was the only plane I seen downed by the Japs but it was terrible. It just, whatever, the ack-ack hit it and it was just like four separate planes coming down with the four motors off the dang thing, just dropped off and hit coming towards the ground.

Mr. Agerbak recalls seeing an American plane shot down during a firebombing raid.

Borge Agerbak

Borge Agerbak was born in Odense, Denmark and immigrated to Canada with his family in 1927 to a small town in southern Manitoba called Pilot Mound. Mr. Agerback worked on the farm until war broke out in 1939. Along with his two brothers, he decided to join the Winnipeg Grenadiers.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
July 17, 2013
Person Interviewed:
Borge Agerbak
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War
Hong Kong

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