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A Diary and the Fear of Death

Heroes Remember

A Diary and the Fear of Death

I felt it my duty as the adjutant and it was dumb, dumb, too to sort of keep a diary of what was happening and it was a very frank diary and a very stupid diary. And one day I was writing I guess in the diary... the camp commandant and somebody else came swooping in and said, "Ah, we'll take this!" So I decided that I was going to be executed that afternoon, I mean there was absolutely no question in my mind that I was going to be executed and it served me right for being so stupid. Now there was another guy in the camp, an Oxford graduate, who taught at the Diocesan boys school and he kept a diary in Greek so he was fairly confident that he would be alright but I kept mine in English. Anyhow, I was absolutely positive that that was it and I had a very uncomfortable day and a rather uncomfortable night and the next day nothing happened. And after a couple of days, it dawned on me that he's not going to read it. He's just going to throw it into some desk or some warehouse or somewhere and obviously thatss what happened because nothing ever happened.

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