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My Legs Were Black, Blue and Purple.

Heroes Remember

My Legs Were Black, Blue and Purple.

There used to be fellows in to the camp, they used to go into the Japanese kitchen and they’d take stuff. They’d take stuff like rice and stuff like that and they’d come and they’d steam it. They had a big place there, a big vat, place for a vat, and they had hot water and that and they used to come and go and get that rice, and I had seen them myself but I didn’t want to talk eh. But they’d take that rice and they’d steam it. They’d put a lot of clothes, letting on they were washing clothes and they were steaming rice all the time. Well, my own brother did it too. He was in with a couple of them and took the flour and mixed it up and put clothes in the little pot and cooked the little buns and I says, “Alfred, where did you get that?” He says, “Hold your damn tongue, hold your tongue and don’t talk too loud.” But I says, “Alfred, if you’re going around taking things there on the Japs, you’re going to get a rap for sure.” “No.” Anyway, that was working in the MI room, medical room. And he used to go in the Japs quarters, kitchen, steal and he’d blame me for it, and I’d never been around their kitchen at all. Then your like, oh my . . . they made me stand up with my hands over my head and they hammered the hell from here right down to there. Well my legs, the two of them were black and blue and purple and I couldn’t walk. I was standing up and I fell on my hands and knees and he was coming to hit me over the back of the head with the same pole. It was about this size. “Oh well” I said to myself, “I’m gone.” It was the last of me, I thought it was there, but the other guard run out and he had his rifle and he give him, he told him to stop and he was coming and when he had the pole up like that, he put his rifle and he pulled the pole back. And he grabbed him and he pulled him over. He said, “Okay number 10, go on in the house, go in camp.” They could talk a little English, but not all of them. Anyhow, I managed, I got in on my hands and knees.

Mr. Hunt describes his brother, and others, stealing rice from the Japanese.

Hector Hunt

Hector Hunt was born in Pabos Mills, Quebec, on December 9, 1911. His father was the local river guardian. Mr. Hunt was the second oldest of 16 children. He had little schooling, having gone to the woods at the age of ten to cut pulp with his father. He also transported supplies to his father when he was busy on the river. At sixteen, Mr. Hunt started work at the Chandler pulp mill for twenty-five cents and hour. When the opportunity to enlist occurred, he signed up anticipating better wages and lifestyle. He had very little basic training and no live ammunition weapons training. Mr. Hunt served in Newfoundland before eventually being shipped overseas toHong Kong. He was a POW in both Hong Kong and Japan, where he worked in the coal mines near Niigata. Mr. Hunt credits his strong faith for helping him to endure his time in captivity. After completing his service, Mr. Hunt returned home to work in the local mill.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
Hector Hunt
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War
Hong Kong
Royal Rifles of Canada
Machine Gunner

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