A day in the life
First World War Audio Archive
A day in the life
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The Battle of Amiens was our first big do after Vimy Ridge.
Hill 62 Memorial Belgium.
Just before the barrage was to open, I turned and looked backwards. It was some sight to see, it was still dark. The gunsCourtrai Memorial Belgium.
all opened at once for a long stretch and we heard the shells whizzing overhead. I had other business to do then. So there wasLe Quesnel Memorial Belgium.
about 30 Frenchmen all crouched down. They were on the right sideGueudecourt Memorial France.
of the road and we were on the left. But there was a swamp and the bridge was blown out, and our battalion went over on theDury Memorial France.
French side. The engineers laid a crossway of faggots in the stream for us to walk on. I wondered why these Frenchmen wereMonchy Memorial France.
there but I realized the machine gun had caught them when the barrage opened and they were all dead in a row. They’d been crouched there till just you thought they were still alive.Passchendaele Memorial Belgium.
There was not a great deal of opposition for quite a ways thatMasnières memorial France.
morning. Eventually we come to a big German gun and they threw their hands up as soon as we appeared. We had a fellow called Dooly from Nova Scotia who was, had a temper and was asBourion Wood Memorial France.
unpredictable as the weather in March. He took after one of these fellows, he was going to stick him with a bayonet. Well theCourcelette Memorial France.
German, he took off galloping. Dooly and him went tearing downhill. Dooly finally stuck the gun out and picked him in theBeaumont-Hamel Memorial France.
bum and just like a car changing gears he changed in another gear that German, and that was the end of that race. Dooly come back,St. Julien Memorial Belgium.
the officer give him a chewing out but he might as well have saved his wind as far as Dooly was concerned. That was a realCanadian National Vimy Memorial France.
successful do, the Battle of Amiens, as far as we were concerned.Related Videos
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