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POW Escape Attempts

Heroes Remember

We tried a couple of times to dig tunnels to get out and...well, one case, we got out beyond the fence and some fellow, peasant or farmer, with a mule went along and broke through the tunnel and they discovered that. We had been hiding... the thing was to try to dispose of the earth we were digging out and we were putting it up on the overhead of the attic of the buildings and trying to spread it around. We never had any luck with tunnels. We got a couple of fellows out one time. They crossed over the wall at night and they got into the sergeant's compound and a couple of sergeants came up over to fill in on roll call. We had roll call twice a day. So these two fellows, these two officers went out with a work party to cut wood and they had a big wood pile out there and they got themselves covered up with wood and they walked back in to camp that night, the rest did rather, and apparently they didn't keep very good count cause the they didn't notice there were two missing, so. The next morning, these fellows were caught walking through the country and they said they were prisoners of war and they called the camp up and the camp said, "No, we're not short of anybody here." Anyway, we eventually twigged what was happening so we sent the the two sergeants back over the wall and we were short two. So they, it was kind of a game, you know. Something to do.

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