Hill 355
Heroes Remember
Hill 355
During the First and Second World Wars, Canadians acquired a
reputation for running in where others fear to tread, for
holding their own even when overwhelmed and attacked from all
sides, for persevering when others fail. The work of our
troops on Hill 355 substantiates that reputation.
The Americans were on 355.
It got overrun and they lost it.
I was sent over to see if I could help them at all and it was
just a slaughter house.
You couldn't help them. The bodies everywhere.
So then they called for the Canadians to come back in and take
Canadian machine gunners.
it again. 355 was the largest mountain around for 20 miles. The RCRs were there. The Chinese had arrived the previous night. They were at the foot of the mountain. Stayed there all day until the following night. They attacked at 7 pm, just at dusk.Artillery and machine gun fire.
All the artillery had been synchronized, cannon by cannon, on the mountain. The fire was so intense that we couldn'tShells exploding on the side of the mountain.
More artillery fire followed by another explosion.
separate one explosion from another. I don't know how manyMore rounds going of at night.
thousands of shells were fired there. It was just one continuous explosion, with all cannons firing at the same time. That's when things got going for real. It came down on us like rain. I heard the screaming and hollering and bugles blowing and it was kind of scary, even sitting on the next hill. So I can imagine what the RCRs felt when they were attacked that night.Soldiers scrambling to get to battle positions.
Then we got orders to engage because the hill was just to theMen in a bunker giving coordinates to the artillery gun.
right of us and we were able to engage them properly where the troops were. So we shot at least 15,000 rounds that night. Those cannons, I tell ya, they can really spit them out.Soldiers communicating through radio.
They were firing spurts of 25 rounds, and then they spotted us. A few of my buddies died there. I think they took about 18 prisoners of war from us. That was the hardest battle we had. On the other hand, there was one thing they didn't know,Photograph of men walking up a hillside.
there was a guy named Harry Pope, who was an extraordinary tactician. He was awarded the MC in Korea. He was there, and he was the one who coordinated all the artillery fire. I was on the next hill. So we were actually calling fire downArtillery fire hitting the ground.
right on top of them because the RCRs were in their trenches, the Chinese were running above the ground. It lasted a long time, and they were forced to evacuate the RCRs who were there. And then, they sent in a new battalion. It was a good night's work. It started at around 6 p.m., the sun was just setting, and it lasted until almost 10:30. Whether we killed any of our own people or not I don’t know, but we certainly did raise enough heck with the Chinese that they retreated, left. It was pretty tough, but they didn't get through. The Americans were running away! Somebody had to do the job! So we did.Description
Meta Data
- Medium:
- Video
- Owner:
- Veterans Affairs Canada
- Duration:
- 3:49
- Person Interviewed:
- War Korean
- War, Conflict or Mission:
- Korean War
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