Treatment benefits
The Treatment Benefits Program provides coverage for a variety of benefits and services to help you get—and stay—healthy.
About this program
The Treatment Benefits Program provides financial support to qualified Veterans for a wide variety of healthcare benefits and services, including: medical, nursing and related healthcare; aids for daily living; special equipment; prescription medication; as well as dental, audiology, or vision services.
The extent of your healthcare benefits and services coverage will depend on several factors, including how you qualified, your health needs and your individual circumstances.
If you qualify for the Treatment Benefits Program, you will receive a VAC healthcare card.
Medavie Blue Cross, on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada, provides authorizations and claims processing services in support of the Treatment Benefits Program. They:
- reimburse you or your healthcare provider for authorized claims
- answer your, or your healthcare provider’s, questions about healthcare benefits and services
- register and keep a list of healthcare providers who can bill us directly
Do you qualify?
You may qualify for the Treatment Benefits Program if you have been approved for a disability benefit or qualify for:
- Mental Health Benefits (MHB)
- the Veterans Independence Program,
- the War Veterans Allowance
- financial assistance from VAC for long-term care
The CAF or RCMP provide your healthcare benefits and services if you are a serving member. Request a review of your CAF health services if you are concerned about your health coverage as you release. A review will help you determine what benefits VAC can cover.
How to apply
You do not need to apply for the Treatment Benefits Program or for a VAC healthcare card. You will be issued a card automatically after you have been approved for a disability benefit or qualified for one of the other benefits listed above.
Get help
If you have questions about your healthcare benefits and services coverage or about VAC’s Treatment Benefits Program, our staff can assist you.
Call us toll-free at 1-866-522-2122. (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. local time), send us a My VAC Account secure message, or request an in-person appointment using our online booking form or by calling 1-866-522-2122.
Please note our service locations offer in-person services by appointment only.
Additional information
Your VAC healthcare card
If you qualify for the Treatment Benefits Program, you will receive a VAC healthcare card.
Coverage details
The Treatment Benefits Program provides coverage for a variety of benefits and services. Find the details on how that coverage is provided.
Health-related travel
Sometimes you need to travel for healthcare. If you are eligible for the Treatment Benefits Program you may qualify to have certain costs related to this travel covered. Some items require pre-authorization.
Related programs
Disability benefits - Compensation to recognize that your injury or illness is a result of your service.
Mental Health Benefits – Coverage for treatment of certain mental health conditions. Available as soon as you apply for a VAC disability benefit.
Veterans Independence Program - Payments for home and health care services that you need to remain independent at home.
Long-term care - Monthly payments to cover the cost of your long-term care.
War Veterans allowance - Monthly payments if you have a low household income.
Frequently asked questions
FAQs about the contracting process for the next Federal Health Claims Processing Services contract
Veterans Affairs Canada, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) each provide a wide range of health benefits and services to Veterans, their families and eligible serving members of the CAF and RCMP. Claims processing and related services are provided through the Federal Health Claims Processing Services (FHCPS) contract. A new contract has been awarded to Medavie Inc. The next contract will go live in August 2027.
Can I request a review of a VAC decision about my healthcare benefits and services?
Yes. If you are not satisfied with the decision, you have the right to request a review There are two levels of review.
- First Level Review – The decision letter (or your explanation of benefits document) indicates how to submit a request for a first level review.
- Final Review – The decision letter for your first level review will indicate how to request a final (known as a second level) review.
Does my provider need to call VAC for pre-authorization each year, even if I am requesting the same benefit or service?
For most healthcare benefits and services, VAC only requires pre-authorization the first time you obtain a benefit or service. However, certain benefits require pre-authorization each time you request the benefit. The Benefit Grid can help your provider determine which requirements apply to their service.
I am about to release from military service, how do I ensure my health services will continue after my release date?
If you are receiving healthcare benefits and services from the Canadian Armed Forces and you currently have a VAC disability benefit, you can request a review of your CAF health services to determine which benefits can be covered by VAC after your release. This review will also save you any unnecessary paperwork to continue your benefits. Learn more.
Can I choose any supplier or provider of treatment benefits and services?
You may obtain healthcare benefits and services from a supplier or provider of your choice who meets VAC provider requirements. Contact us or Medavie Blue Cross if you have any questions regarding these provider requirements.
Are there policies for this program?
Yes. Read more about the policies for Veterans.