Did You Know? - 2012 Edition - Tales of Animals in War - Students - Information For - Remembrance - Veterans Affairs Canada

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Did You Know?

Dutch child laying flowers at a
Canadian soldier’s grave.
Photo: VAC

Each spring, Dutch school children visit Canadian war cemeteries. They tend the graves and lay flowers to remember those who died helping to liberate their country. On Christmas Eve, they even return to the cemeteries to light remembrance candles.

Did You Know?

Life was very tough in the Netherlands during the Second World War. The Germans who invaded the country made it difficult for the Dutch people to get food and other important supplies. The worst time was the “Hunger Winter” of 1944–1945. People burned their furniture to stay warm and even ate tulip bulbs to try to survive.



During Veterans’ Week (November 5 to 11), wear a poppy on the left side of your shirt, close to your heart. It shows respect for the Canadian men and women who served and died for peace and freedom all over the world.

Let's Get Growing
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