The Canadian Korea Medal is a Korean War medal. The medal was instituted in 1951, for service from 02 July 1950 to 27 July 1953.
Eligibility and Criteria
The Canadian Korea medal is awarded to Canadian military personnel for one day on the strength of an army unit in Korea; or 28 days afloat; or one sortie over Korea by a member of the RCAF, 02 July 1950 - 27 July 1953.
A circular silver medal, 1.42 inches wide. The British medal is made of cupronickel and does not have the word CANADA at the bottom of the obverse. There is no bar. A bronze oak leaf emblem is worn on the ribbon by those mentioned-in-despatches(MID). The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) received 33 MIDs and the Canadian Army 248 MIDs. For mounting, there is a single-toed scroll claw is attached to a plain, straight suspender.
The obverse shows an uncrowned coinage head of Queen Elizabeth II, facing right, with the legend ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA around the edge and the word CANADA at the bottom.
The reverse shows a hydra-headed monster of mythology being destroyed by Hercules with the word KOREA at the bottom.
The ribbon, 1.25 inches wide, consists of five equal stripes: yellow, blue, yellow, blue, and yellow.
Historical Notes
- The recipient's name is engraved on the rim with their regimental number.