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Memorial Square

Municipality/Province: Summerside, PE

Memorial number: 11002-019

Type: Park

Address: Summer, Spring, Church and Winter Streets

GPS coordinates: Lat: 46.3938305   Long: -63.7904502

Submitted by: Culture Summerside

Memorial Square, named in 1938 for its primary feature, the Prince County Soldiers’ Monument, is the oldest public park in the City of Summerside. The park's military connection dates back to 1866 when the Colonial Government purchased the land and erected a Drill Shed to house the local militia. The field adjoining the building became known as the Drill Shed Square until 1889 when the townspeople were given permission by the Canadian Government (PEI having joined Canada in 1873) to use the land as a Public Garden. The Drill Shed was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1906. In 1908, the Town of Summerside bought the property and three years later named it Dominion Square.

In 1920, two captured German field guns were placed in the square. These reminders of war set the tone for the erection in 1922 of a large memorial to commemorate Prince County men who lost their lives in the Great War. A granite stone was placed in front of the original monument in 1956 to record the names of those who died in the Second World War and the Korean War. In 2000, the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan Memorial was erected in the square.

A rejuvenation of the park was carried out between 2002 and 2004, with an emphasis on improving the area around the Soldiers’ Monument. Memorial Square is valued as a reminder of the sacrifices made by Islanders during past conflicts. For more information on Memorial Square visit Canada's Historic Places.

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