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Battle Honour Arctic Plaque

Hidden photo gallery

Municipality/Province: Ottawa, ON

Memorial number: 35060-053

Type: Plaque (black stone) on a pedestal

Address: 2101 Alert Road

Location: Hylands Golf Club, near tee-off of hole 9S

GPS coordinates: Lat: 45.3168713   Long: -75.6506524

Submitted by: Richard Turcotte

Photo credit: Richard Turcotte

This memorial is dedicated to the Canadian participation in the Arctic convoys of the Second World War and the Canadian ships that were awarded the Battle Honour “Arctic”.

This plaque is one of 39 plaques unveiled in 2009 at Hylands Golf Club. The plaques commemorate former Ottawa-area military installations, a military patron saint, battle honours, ships, units, and squadrons.

Inscription found on memorial


Arctic – Arctique

This battle honour was awarded to HMC Ships that participated in Arctic operations or escorted convoys to north Russia. Over the final eighteen months of the war in Europe, Canadian warships formed part of the escort of more than half of the Russian convoys.

Cet honneur de guerre a été remis aux NCSM qui ont participé aux opérations en Arctique on qui ont escorté des convois au nord de la Russie. Au cours des huit derniers mois de la guerre en Europe, les navires de guerre canadiens ont fait partie de l’escorte de plus de la moitié des convois russes.

Street view


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