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2919 results returned within branch Army
Comforting The Wounded

Comforting The Wounded

Ms. Sloan shares the compassion provided to the wounded and the strong sense of respect they felt from the injured young men.

Diphtheria Epidemic

Diphtheria Epidemic

Ms. Sloan describes her medical involvement during a diphtheria epidemic during the “push to the Rhine” and how fortunate they were to have sufficient supplies of penicillin, penathol and plasma to treat the casualties

V2 Bomb Attacks

V2 Bomb Attacks

Ms. Sloan describes the devastation in Antwerp when V2 bombs hit the city.

Medical Wards

Medical Wards

Ms. Sloan describes in detail the structure and setup for each medical ward required in the army camp.

Hospital Logistics

Hospital Logistics

Ms. Sloan describes the logistics and organization of setting up a 600 bed hospital and camp with the billions of tons of equipment required.

Scarlet Fever Outbreak

Scarlet Fever Outbreak

Ms. Sloan recalls how the nursing sisters dealt with a severe scarlet fever outbreak amongst the soldiers.

Soldiers Dying

Soldiers Dying

Mr. Greaves expresses the shock he felt listening to a soldier being told that his brother died while out on night patrol.

Unwelcome in Italy

Unwelcome in Italy

Mr. Greaves speaks about how unwelcome he felt amongst the Italian people.

Canadian Winters

Canadian Winters

Mr. Greaves speaks about the unbearable cold and how he found it difficult to become accustomed to the winter conditions in Canada while training for military service.

Blacks Contribution in the Military

Blacks Contribution in the Military

Mr. Este expresses his opinion on the presence of Blacks in the military and the contribution they made during service.

All Canadians Got Along!

All Canadians Got Along!

Mr. Este explains the comradery amongst his fellow soldiers and how he dealt with racial encounters.

Effects of the Napalm

Effects of the Napalm

Mr. Este describes the use of the Napalm, a favourite weapon used by our soldiers to clear out huts and caves and its effect on the enemy.

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