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2919 results returned within branch Army
A Direct Hit

A Direct Hit

Mr. Bannerman tells of the time he and his crew witnessed a direct hit on a home they were bunking at for the night.

Shelling Crossroads

Shelling Crossroads

Mr. Bannerman tells about going to the crossroads to pick up the guns and the impact of German mortars all around him.

German Mortars

German Mortars

Mr. Bannerman witnesses the effects of German Mortars raining down on the soldiers.

Ammunition in the Gun Pits

Ammunition in the Gun Pits

Mr. Bannerman describes a situation within the gun pit with piles of ammunition all around them.

Delousing The Children

Delousing The Children

Mr. Bannerman describes how the Italian people used pigs to assist in delousing their homes.

Seven White Crosses

Seven White Crosses

Mr. Bannerman tells us about picking up the gear packs and being provided with crosses to carry along, realizing at that point their purpose.

Giving Up Their Guns

Giving Up Their Guns

Mr. Bannerman tells about the time his crew were commanded to give up their guns unaware of where they were going to serve next.

Christmas In Nijmegen

Christmas In Nijmegen

Dr. Theal describes Christmas celebrations in Nijmegen, Holland

He Died Just Like That

He Died Just Like That

Dr. Theal describes the consequences of cavalier leadership in an assault at Groningen, Holland.

I thought it was a great thing!

I thought it was a great thing!

Mr. Sutherland describes being advised by his sergeant to shoot less accurately lest he be chosen for sniper duty; all snipers were hated and executed if captured.

Run Over By A Tank!

Run Over By A Tank!

Dr. Theal describes the more common wounds which he treated at the outpost level, and describes a bizarre close call.

Inject Morphine Where Necessary

Inject Morphine Where Necessary

Dr. Theal describes the steps involved in moving the wounded back to the appropriate level of care.

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