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2919 results returned within branch Army


Still in Italy, an attempt to clear a minefield results in bloodshed and death for several of Mr. Murray's troops.



Mr. Murray speaks of the attempt to retreat from a mine field, and the tragic events that followed.

Hitler Line

Hitler Line

Mr. Murray recalls a series of events as he led his troops during the push to break through the Hitler line.



Mr. Murray talks about the event that resulted in him shooting a young German soldier, and his life-long reaction to it.

Treating Severe Burns Victims

Treating Severe Burns Victims

Ms. Moore describes her arrival at a Canadian Army Hospital in East Grimstead, England.

Dangerous Travel

Dangerous Travel

In 1943, the hospital in Colchester, England where Ms. Moll was working prepared to make a major move. It was an eventful and dangerous voyage. The group eventually arrived in North Africa for a short stay in Algiers before going on briefly to Naples, Italy and eventually to Avellino as the push for Rome was beginning.

Dieppe Landing Patients

Dieppe Landing Patients

Ms. Moll thinks back to the Dieppe landing and the very large number of patients that sent to her hospital.

Hospital Area is Bombed

Hospital Area is Bombed

Ms. Moll was asked for her reaction to the first bombing of the area of the hospital at which she was stationed, near Birmingham, England. She also relates the story of her recollections of a German prisoner of war who was a patient at the hospital in Marsden Green.

Train Travel

Train Travel

Ms. Moll speaks of how she and other newly enlisted nursing sisters in Montreal travelled by train to Halifax, Nova Scotia on their way overseas.

Canada's Contribution to First World War

Canada's Contribution to First World War

Mr. Mason expresses his strong feelings on the Canadian contribution to winning the First World War.

Hindenburg Line

Hindenburg Line

Mr. Mason recalls some of the events surrounding the taking of the Hindenburg Line. He goes on to tell of his reaction when he learned the war was over and describes some detail of his arrival home in Canada.

Shell Fire

Shell Fire

Vimy Ridge had been taken, but Mr. Mason didn't think the allies were necessarily winning the war. He goes on to relate an incident that very nearly cost him an arm.

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