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2919 results returned within branch Army
A Typical Day on Patrol

A Typical Day on Patrol

Mr. Roberts describes a typical day traveling through the villages interacting with the locals and ensuring their needs are met to the best of their ability.

Impact of Wearing the Canadian Uniform

Impact of Wearing the Canadian Uniform

Mr. Roberts recalls the positive impact that the uniform had on the local children and the overall improved environment the Canadian military fostered.

Opportunity for Deployment to Bosnia

Opportunity for Deployment to Bosnia

As a reservist, Mr. Roberts speaks about his pleasure in being selected for deployment to Bosnia and how he was able to put his newly acquired skills to the test.

Fitness is the Key to Success

Fitness is the Key to Success

Mr. Roberts expresses the importance of being fit and how it affects one’s attitude.

An Unkept Promise

An Unkept Promise

Ms. Carter discusses Mackenzie King's promise of 1st Class passage back to Canada versus the reality of dirty accommodations in the belly of the ship in which she sailed home.

VE Day in London

VE Day in London

Ms. Carter describes the joyous mob in Trafalgar square on VE Day.

Anti-Fascist Reprisal

Anti-Fascist Reprisal

Ms. Carter describes how, in Rome, she and a friend are forced by an anti-fascist mob to witness the killing of a fascist, whose heart is torn out while he is still alive.

A Nurse's Intuition

A Nurse's Intuition

Ms. Carter describes treating a patient who wouldn't wake who had been diagnosed as a psychiatric case. Ms. Carter realizes that the soldier, a stretcher bearer, is suffering from extreme exhaustion, and refutes the earlier diagnosis.

The Hospital in Rome

The Hospital in Rome

Ms. Carter describes treating German POWs at her field hospital, and being assisted very ably by a German prisoner.

The First Use of Penicillin

The First Use of Penicillin

Ms. Carter describes using penicillin for the first time. Instead of being injected, it was rubbed directly on the wound and was extremely painful.

Al Capone's Chauffeur

Al Capone's Chauffeur

Ms. Carter describes being looked up by an ambulance driver from the Royal Victoria Hospital with whom she had worked before the war. He had been Al Capone's driver.

Winter Conditions in the Field Hospital

Winter Conditions in the Field Hospital

Ms. Carter describes the field hospital in Trani, Italy and what conditions were like in the winter.

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