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2919 results returned within branch Army
Crude Medicine

Crude Medicine

Mr. Billson describes two incidents where he received crude medical treatment. One was having a gash above his eye doused in alcohol and stitched without freezing, and the other was an aching tooth that was packed with cotton and soaked with carbolic acid.

Measures of Japanese Successes

Measures of Japanese Successes

Mr. Billson describes how the POW’s treatment by the guards generally mirrored Japan's successes and setbacks in the war.

I was put on a drill.

I was put on a drill.

Mr. Billson describes his duties in the coal mine as a drill operator, the extraction procedure, and the potential risks of working in the mine.

Japanese Hierarchy Of Discipline

Japanese Hierarchy Of Discipline

Mr. Billson describes the Japanese habit of slapping prisoners as a disciplinary measure, but explains that it is merely an extension of the Japanese military culture.

No Place To Hide

No Place To Hide

Mr. Billson describes feeling threatened by the Japanese no matter where he was on the island. He recalls feeling particularly vulnerable at Stanley Fort.

Taking  A Life

Taking A Life

Mr. Billson discusses the fact that despite overwhelming odds, he found that shooting a man for the first time was “hard to take”. After that, however, he didn't care.

I Had Never Handled A Bren Gun

I Had Never Handled A Bren Gun

Mr. Billson describes being placed in charge of a Bren gun, a weapon he had never handled. His unit is sent to protect a pillbox at Tai Tam Gap without being issued any ammunition. When the ammo arrives, it isn't Bren cartridges, it is hand grenades. Eventually a few cartridges arrive.

I Tell Them the Horrors of War.

I Tell Them the Horrors of War.

Mr. Buote discusses how a chance school visitation and the ensuing letters from those children inspired him to continue taking his message to Moncton schools.

Digging trenches

Digging trenches

Mr. Buote discusses the trench as protection from shell explosions, how a trench was laid out, and the (illegal) use of grenades in the excavation.

Spotted by the Germans

Spotted by the Germans

Mr. Buote describes the situation of being shelled by the Germans after taking cover in a 3-story house only to escape injured and bomb wacky.

Assisting the French Underground

Assisting the French Underground

Mr. Buote describes a dangerous patrol undertaken to deliver a radio to the French underground, behind enemy lines. In so doing, a firefight occurs resulting in a German patrol being wiped out.

Sniper – a different role

Sniper – a different role

Mr. Buote describes being a sniper in a reconnaissance unit, and being assigned to collect and deliver data on German positions, movements, or anything unique that would enhance Allied maps.

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