Mr. Kelly speaks about his choice to join the military.
Proof we Made a Difference
In conclusion, Mr. Allaire shares a personal story of how he has pride for the accomplishments made under NATO within the country of Croatia.
A Privilege to be Canadian
Mr. Allaire shares an emotional message on how fortunate we are as Canadians to live in this country after seeing what goes on in some other parts of the world.
A Totally Different Set of Values
When comes to human life, Mr. Allaire expresses his disbelief in how strong cultural values control how people treat one another.
Feelings of Disbelief
Witnessing the devastation all around him, Mr. Allaire recalls the emotions he felt during his time in Rwanda.
Children with very Little
Mr. Allaire describes the poverty that exists amongst the Croatian and Bosnian children comparing it to the lifestyle of our children in Canada.
Philosophy of Life so Different
Mr. Allaire speaks about the philosophy of the Croatian and Rwanda culture and how they treated other tribes of different beliefs.
Respecting their Lifestyle
While in Rwanda, Mr. Allaire is advised of the life style of the villagers and how they exist within their own culture.
Sharing Memories of Belgian family
Reflecting back on his service, Mr. Johnson tells of a special time in his life where he was welcomed into the home of a Belgium family.
Inspected by King George
Mr. Johnson shares a personal story of preparing for inspection from the King with orders given to make the tank spotless in anticipation of his arrival.
Life of a Tank Driver
Mr. Johnson describes being inside a tank during battle the enemy.
I was Lucky to Make it
Mr. Johnson shares a personal and emotional story of witnessing the deaths of many of his fellow tank crew as their tanks were targeted and set on fire.