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2919 results returned within branch Army
Equipment Comparison with the Enemy

Equipment Comparison with the Enemy

Mr. Marshall explains how our Canadian soldiers were no match in fire power against the Germans until the Americans joined in and provided better equipment.

The Fear of Being Taken Prisoner

The Fear of Being Taken Prisoner

Mr. Marshall shares the experience he had during a close encounter with the Germans and how he hid in fear of being taken prisoner.

A Live Grenade Thrown His Way

A Live Grenade Thrown His Way

Mr. Marshall shares a story about combat where a live grenade is thrown by the enemy, but fails to go off.

Fighting Patrol

Fighting Patrol

Mr. Marshall explains the difference between fighting patrol and reconnaissance patrol when going out on night patrol.

Primary Duty as Infantry Support

Primary Duty as Infantry Support

Mr. Marshall provides details of the infantry support regiment on their move through Pontecorvo as far north to Milan, a route taken before going to Holland.

No Noise Allowed

No Noise Allowed

Mr. McCabe describes the sapper training he underwent, particularly assembling bridges in total darkness.

Entering the Unknown

Entering the Unknown

Mr. Wadman describes the devastation his unit witnessed upon arrival and the appreciation the civilian people had for the UN presence.

Road Move to Sarajevo

Road Move to Sarajevo

Mr. Wadman describes his unit’s road move into the besieged city of Sarajevo and his first impressions as they travelled towards the city.

Predicting the Weather

Predicting the Weather

Mr. Aitken describes the different variables and information sources necessary to compile a weather report

Independent Forecaster

Independent Forecaster

Mr. Aitken discusses becoming an independent forecaster, the highest level of military meteorologist, and describes having to brief the Allied commander on a daily basis.

Meteorological Training

Meteorological Training

Mr. Aitken describes the various levels of training he passed through as his credentials were upgraded.

A Different Military Career

A Different Military Career

Mr. Aitken describes being invited to become a military meteorologist and accepting that challenge.

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