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47 results returned within campaign Gulf War
Phone Cards for Family

Phone Cards for Family

Mr. Hynes speaks of the convenience of phone cards as a necessary connection with loved ones back home.

The Happenings at Sea

The Happenings at Sea

Mr. Hynes shares some stories of preparation on board ship with medications and sense of equipment being ready for use should scud missiles be fired.

A Male Dominant Culture

A Male Dominant Culture

Mr. Hynes expresses his personal views on how he saw the culture portrayed during his time in Qatar.

Team Work of Cooks

Team Work of Cooks

Mr. Hynes explains the process amongst the teams of cooks and bakers and how they ensured that everyone was getting fed properly.

Extreme Heat Upon Arrival in Qatar

Extreme Heat Upon Arrival in Qatar

Mr. Hynes describes in detail the feeling of getting off the plane in Qatar and experiencing extreme heat conditions..

Getting the Call

Getting the Call

Mr. Hynes shares his experience in getting chosen to be part of the contingent of cooks that would take part in the Persian Gulf War.

Sights of the Oil Fires in the Distance

Sights of the Oil Fires in the Distance

Realizing the burning oil fires were close, Mr. Mellor describes the sights from on board the ship with the smell and foggy surroundings.

Responsibilities as part of Engineering Department

Responsibilities as part of Engineering Department

Mr. Mellor provides detail on his role on board ship and the detailed routine of the entire engineering department.

Uniqueness of the HMCS Athabaskan

Uniqueness of the HMCS Athabaskan

Mr. Mellor describes unique aspects of being part of the crew of the HMCS Athabaskan and interpretations some sailors had for the work that they did.

Excitement of Going to War

Excitement of Going to War

After confirming his part in the Persian Gulf War, Mr. Mellor shares the sense of excitement felt gearing up and getting ready to go to sea.

From Rumours to Reality

From Rumours to Reality

Mr. Mellor shares the story of how he first heard of a contingent going to the Persian Gulf and steps he took to ensure he would be a part of it.

The Story of the Great Pumpkin

The Story of the Great Pumpkin

As sailors became a bit homesick, an elaborate act of morale was exercised when a huge pumpkin was flown above the ships acknowledging Halloween.

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