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150 results returned within location Korea
The Sten Gun

The Sten Gun

Mr. Rees discusses the limitations of Canada’s weaponry during his tour.

High Regard for Canadian Soldiers

High Regard for Canadian Soldiers

Mr. Pike expresses pride for Canada’s service in Korea, and the great respect Korean people have for Canadian soldiers.

Field Ambulance Composition

Field Ambulance Composition

Mr. Pike explains the logistics of a field ambulance team and the responsibilities of each section during the Korean War.

All Canadians Got Along!

All Canadians Got Along!

Mr. Este explains the comradery amongst his fellow soldiers and how he dealt with racial encounters.

Effects of the Napalm

Effects of the Napalm

Mr. Este describes the use of the Napalm, a favourite weapon used by our soldiers to clear out huts and caves and its effect on the enemy.

Treating Wounded at Casualty Clearing Posts

Treating Wounded at Casualty Clearing Posts

Mr. Este explains the set up for treating the wounded, the focus being on treating the least wounded so they could get back into action.

Working as a Medic

Working as a Medic

Mr. Este describes his work as a medic and the shock of seeing casualties for the first time.

Landing in Korea

Landing in Korea

Mr. Thorsen describes his first impression of landing in Korea, and being disturbed at seeing so many dead American soldiers.

Pride of Canadian Soldiers in Korea

Pride of Canadian Soldiers in Korea

Mr. Dixon shares the pride and accomplishments made by Canadian soldiers during the Korean War and the gratitude expressed by the Korean people for wartime efforts of Canadian soldiers.

Equipment from the Second World War

Equipment from the Second World War

Mr. Dixon describes the equipment issued to soldiers during the Korean War, and explains that much of the equipment was the same as what was used during the Second World War.

Tent Heaters

Tent Heaters

Mr. Dixon describes the equipment used to construct a tent heater inside the bunkers during the brutally cold winter conditions in Korea.

Defence Operations

Defence Operations

Mr. Dixon describes the operations within a platoon position and the depth of the soldiers defence position.

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