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329 results returned within occupation Pilot
Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity

Mr. Sproule recalls a near dangerous case of mistaken identity in the jungle of Burma.

Camouflaging Sound from the Air

Camouflaging Sound from the Air

Mr. Sproule recalls being detailed to provide camouflage for the Army who was crossing a river - driving back Japanese from Burma.

Mid-Air Engine Failure

Mid-Air Engine Failure

Mr. Sproule remembers experiencing a mid-air engine failure in a Typhoon during a test flight.

Flying on Fumes

Flying on Fumes

Mr. Sproule recalls a mission during which his Typhoon suffered a mechanical failure, placing him in quite a predicament.

ATA Girls

ATA Girls

Mr. Sproule remembers his surprise at seeing a female fighter pilot, and praises the abilities of the Air Transport Auxiliary.

Flight Instructor in the Commonwealth Air Training Program

Flight Instructor in the Commonwealth Air Training Program

Mr. Sproule recalls his disappointment in being posted as flight instructor, rather than being posted overseas, and explains why it was necessary.

Emotions of a Spitfire Pilot

Emotions of a Spitfire Pilot

Mr. Sager describes the emotion he felt when he had an enemy in his sites and when he was being tailed by an enemy, and his greatest fears while flying.

First Destroyed Enemy

First Destroyed Enemy

Mr. Sager describes the experience of shooting down his first enemy and how he lost his number two man as a result of flying debris from the exploding plane.

Rhubarb Missions

Rhubarb Missions

Mr. Sager explains the specifics of a "Rhubarb" mission and goes on to tell about a "Rhubarb" he planned that didn't work out as he thought.

First Enemy Contact and the Importance of Teamwork

First Enemy Contact and the Importance of Teamwork

Mr. Sager describes his first encounter with the enemy. Remembering this experience leads Mr. Sager to explain the valuable role of all the pilots in a squadron working as a unit and team.

A Missed Opportunity

A Missed Opportunity

Mr. Sager tells a fantastic story of an encounter with a German fighter that should have been a ‘kill', but ended when he ran out of ammunition.

Reflecting on the Spitfire

Reflecting on the Spitfire

Mr. Sager takes a moment to remember and describe the Spitfire, and he compares it to the German counterpart. He then describes the skill of deflection shooting (a necessary skill of a good fighter pilot).

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