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52 results returned
Do You See Him?

Do You See Him?

Mr. Ducharme describes a deadly attack by his SPA on a German tank

He Hit A Mine

He Hit A Mine

Mr. Ducharme describes his D-Day landing and repairing a disabled tank while still on the beach.

D-Day Approach

D-Day Approach

Mr. Ducharme describes getting ready for D-Day and taking part in the pre-landing bombardment.

Secret Weapon

Secret Weapon

Mr. Ducharme talks about a secret weapon they used in Belgium.

The Tank

The Tank

Mr. Ducharme describes what it was like to drive a self-propelled artillery tank, and use the 105 gun.

Everybody Made It But Me

Everybody Made It But Me

Mr. Ducharme describes one of the pitfalls of training for amphibious landings.

Tea Break

Tea Break

Mr. Ducharme relates an amusing turn of events while trying to deliver tanks from Scotland to England.

Something To See

Something To See

Mr. Ducharme describes boarding the Queen Mary and crossing the Atlantic Ocean to Scotland.

Wounded in the Trench

Wounded in the Trench

Mr. Thorsen describes the night in the trenches when his ear drum was perforated and the medical treatment he received afterwards.

Returning to Civilian Life

Returning to Civilian Life

Mr. Thorsen reflects on his arrival home and the effect the war has had on his life.

I was throwing up blood

I was throwing up blood

Mr. Dunn describes his situation after being wounded; trying to stop his bleeding, being shot at by the Germans, trying and failing to crawl back to his lines through barbed wire, hallucinating about his mother and finally being hit in the chest by a shell fragment.

Frozen hands

Frozen hands

Mr. Dunn describes the rapid changes in the Turkish weather, leading to the illness and evacuation of many of his regiment.

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