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3030 results returned within war Second World War
The Canadian Army

The Canadian Army

Mr. Jamieson reflects on the Canadian Army.

The German Surrender

The German Surrender

Mr. Jamieson describes his memories of the German surrender. He explains General Montgomery's famous non-fraternization order and some of the responsibilities of Canadian troops as an occupying force after the surrender.

Liberating the French

Liberating the French

Mr. Jamieson describes his most vivid memory - liberating French towns and villages.

The Falaise Gap

The Falaise Gap

Mr. Jamieson describes the involvement of his regiment in the push to close the Falaise Gap and surround the German Army.

The Germans in Normandy and Executions of Canadians

The Germans in Normandy and Executions of Canadians

Mr. Jamieson describes the Germans in Normandy and discusses the impact that rumours of Canadian POW's being executed by German soldiers had on the Canadian Infantry.

The Flamethrower

The Flamethrower

Mr. Jamieson describes being trained on the flamethrower and how it is more a weapon of terror.

Training and Overseas Deployment

Training and Overseas Deployment

Mr. Jamieson describes elements of his training at the Officers Training Unit in Brockville, Ontario. He explains the function of reconnaissance and the circumstances that led to his overseas deployment.



Ms. Allemang recalls joining up and her first posting.

Saved By a Chemical Toilet

Saved By a Chemical Toilet

Mr. Power talks about the difficulties with landing the aircrafts.

Becoming a Cook

Becoming a Cook

Mr. Kenny describes how he ended up being designated at the ship's “Cookie”. He also described travelling across the Atlantic in a convoy.

Convoy Duty

Convoy Duty

Mr. Kenny talks about his first weeks on merchant ships. He sailed on British, Norwegian and Danish ships because of the lack of Canadian ships.

Joining the Merchant Navy

Joining the Merchant Navy

Mr. Kenny recalls how he felt compelled to do something when the war began. He was underage when he joined the Merchant Navy, therefore he didn’t really have any idea what it was.

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