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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Being in the service

Being in the service

Margaret Baker talks about being in the service.

Life on hold during the war

Life on hold during the war

Ms. Spence talks about how war took over their lives. She tells us how all her life plans were on hold until war was over.

Becoming a Naval Aid.

Becoming a Naval Aid.

Mr. Howe talks about his posting to HMCS Ontario, and being made naval-aid to the Governor of Hong Kong.

Strategies of naval combat

Strategies of naval combat

Mr. Howe talks about naval combat in the English Channel.

Gun fight in open sea

Gun fight in open sea

Mr. Howe talks about a gun-fight in the English Channel after D-Day.

Night Fighting

Night Fighting

Mr. Miller describes the advantages to night fighting.

Planes Serving Different Function’s

Planes Serving Different Function’s

Mr. Miller describes the different types of planes that were suitable for different types of jobs while in the air.



Mr. Miller speaks about how they reacted to news of people that went missing in action.

Plane Crew

Plane Crew

Mr. Miller describes a standard crew to a plane and a typical flying operation with four or five planes with them.

Losing men

Losing men

Mr. Miller explains how you couldn’t dwell over losing fellow soldiers and friends.

Working Office

Working Office

Ms. Whyard describes the offices she worked in and how everyone knew everyone and got along real well.

A Very Bad Night

A Very Bad Night

Ms. Whyard tells how a friend of hers lost his son at war and still showed up for work the following day.

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