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362 results returned within war First World War
Lousy Humor

Lousy Humor

Mr. Morrison tells a funny story about his pal Corkum's pet louse.

An Outpost in No-Man's Land

An Outpost in No-Man's Land

Mr. Morrison describes the difficulty of digging trenches in chalky ground, and one man's attempt at relieving a stressful situation. A sniper shoots the man through both cheeks without him losing a tooth.

Deception at Amiens

Deception at Amiens

Mr. Morrison describes how the Germans were deceived into weakening their defenses at Amiens. As a result of this, the Canadian army advanced seven miles on the opening day of the Battle of Amiens.

Intercepting German Communications

Intercepting German Communications

Mr. Spear discusses his arrival in France, and being sent to an outpost, a forward position used to intercept German signal traffic. Here he would copy what he heard and pass it to a runner, who would deliver it to Headquarters.

The Rhyl Riot

The Rhyl Riot

Mr. Scovil describes the tension in Rhyl, Wales which arose from the decision to send home first those soldiers who had served the least amount of time overseas. The ensuing riot results in the accidental shooting and death of one of Mr. Scovil's friends.

Post-Armistice London

Post-Armistice London

Mr. Routhier describes being in London after the armistice and being ashamed of his public drunkenness during a drive by of the British monarchy.

A Blighty

A Blighty

Mr. Routhier describes being slightly wounded by a sniper but having to rehab in England because all of the field hospitals were full.

Gas Attack

Gas Attack

Mr. Routhier describes being gassed and the troops having to hold soaked hankies to their noses because gas masks weren't yet available.

Deadly 'Whiz-Bangs'

Deadly 'Whiz-Bangs'

Mr. Routhier describes the psychological impact of being shelled by 'whiz-bangs', a type of German artillery shell. He describes the death of a friend struck by such a shell.

Expectation versus reality

Expectation versus reality

Mr. Routhier discusses his expectations of high adventure being tempered by the reality of digging trenches and sleeping with rats and lice.

Rum and Courage

Rum and Courage

Mr. Routhier describes the fearlessness with which he embarked on night patrols after being administered a tot of rum prior to heading out.

Runner at Passchendaele

Runner at Passchendaele

Mr. Brown describes the fact that runners were obligated to carry messages in battle regardless conditions or personal risk.

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