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849 results returned for Canadian Armed Forces
“Soldier On” Giving Back to Soldiers!

“Soldier On” Giving Back to Soldiers!

Mr. Lord speaks about the positive opportunities provided by the “Soldier On” program.

Gained More Than I Have Lost!

Gained More Than I Have Lost!

Mr. Lord speaks about what he learned from being a part of the military.

The Bond of Friendship Lives on Forever

The Bond of Friendship Lives on Forever

Mr. Lord shares his experiences in connecting with fellow soldiers and the special friendship that remains for a lifetime.

A Different Type of Fear

A Different Type of Fear

Mr. Lord expresses the sense of fear that prevails in the midst of operations within and outside the camp.

A Typical Day Inside the Camp

A Typical Day Inside the Camp

Mr. Lord provides detail as to how he and his comrades spent their day inside the camp while on and off duty.

A Challenge and an Opportunity

A Challenge and an Opportunity

Being part of the Royal 22nd Regiment, Mr. Lord expressed the challenges faced as part of this unit along with the positive aspects of belonging.

Off to Afghanistan

Off to Afghanistan

Mr. Lord discusses his deployment to Afghanistan and his return home.

Communication Field as a Reservist

Communication Field as a Reservist

Mr. Lord speaks about his opportunity to join the reserves and discusses his training.

The Reasons to Remember

The Reasons to Remember

Officer Hickey sends a great message to youth about realizing their opportunities in life and stresses the benefits of volunteering.

Honoured to be Part of the Delegation

Honoured to be Part of the Delegation

Officer Hickey expresses his pride and enthusiasm for representing Newfoundlanders and the Veteran population in commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Battles of Somme and Beaumont-Hamel.

Absolutely Nothing There!

Absolutely Nothing There!

Officer Hickey describes the culture shock felt when arriving in south Sudan where the country had absolutely nothing to offer them; no accommodations, no food, nothing at all.

No Time to be Scared

No Time to be Scared

Officer Hickey speaks about interactions with the locals and how their sense of fear was soon allayed as they realized that the UN presence was a good thing!

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