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4752 results returned
HMS Uganda

HMS Uganda

The Uganda was brought back because of political reasons.

Join the Navy to See the World

Join the Navy to See the World

Mr. Jervis talks about the excitement he felt when deciding to join the navy and the opportunities it provided.

Teletype Error results in Close Call

Teletype Error results in Close Call

Mr. Linden shares the story about returning to England as an airline passenger and assisting in a close call landing.

Getting Permission to Marry

Getting Permission to Marry

Mr. Linden explains the complications he encountered with service documentation when obtaining permission to marry

Search Device used in Radar

Search Device used in Radar

Mr. Linden explains measuring signals that are sent out.

Commanding Canadian and British Radar Technicians

Commanding Canadian and British Radar Technicians

Mr. Linden tells us about his experiences commanding both Canadian and British radar technicians servicing aircraft with the 537 night fighter squadron.

Desire to Join the Air Force

Desire to Join the Air Force

Mr. Linden shares his story of going home to Winnipeg for Christmas and telling his mother that he was joining the air force.

Bringing his Family to Germany

Bringing his Family to Germany

Mr. McKerracher speaks about his opportunity to bring his family to Germany during his Regular Force service and the positive experience this was for his children.

Getting Hit by Mortar Fragment

Getting Hit by Mortar Fragment

Mr. McKerracher describes his experience of getting wounded by shrapnel when carrying the commanding officer’s map board.

Getting Married in England

Getting Married in England

Mr. McKerracher speaks about meeting his bride and getting married while serving in England and the difficulty he felt returning to civilian life.

Aircrafts Colliding

Aircrafts Colliding

Mr. McKerracher speaks about witnessing aircrafts colliding and the fear experienced during the Battle of Falaise.

The 40 mm Bofors

The 40 mm Bofors

Mr. McKerracher describes the type of guns used and the responsibility of the gun crew when manning a post.

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