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4752 results returned
Cyprus Situation

Cyprus Situation

Mr. Belzile discusses the frustration of peacekeeping within the cumbersome United Nations bureaucracy and talks about the situation in Cyprus.

<em>Ich bein ein Berliner</em>

Ich bein ein Berliner

Mr. Belzile discusses NATO’s commitment to West Germany, and Canada’s military role there

I Call it a University

I Call it a University

Mr. Belzile describes the value of training with large NATO forces.

Cold War Europe

Cold War Europe

Mr. Belzile describes the high level of training received by the Canadian military in Cold War Europe

The Harshest Judges

The Harshest Judges

Mr. Belzile discusses how your troops can ruin your career quicker than your superiors.

Kept on Your Toes!

Kept on Your Toes!

Mr. Belzile describes patrolling the Korean Demilitarized zone, and some aspects of living there.

Getting to Korea

Getting to Korea

Mr. Belzile discusses his deployment to Korea, via Japan.

They Salute the Commission

They Salute the Commission

Mr. Belzile discusses developing a command structure in a unit and mutual respect between officers and NCO’s.

A Different Kind of Life

A Different Kind of Life

Mr. Belzile discusses his steps through basic and officer training.

We Never got any Privileges

We Never got any Privileges

Mr. Yeadon compares the treatment of the Canadian Armed Forces vs. the Merchant Navy with respect to post-war benefits, particularly since merchant service had begun, in many cases, long before active military service.

“Send all Prisoners of war to the Beach”

“Send all Prisoners of war to the Beach”

Mr. Yeadon describes being liberated from Japan by the American Navy, and shipping home.

The Houses Were Going up Like Small Tornadoes

The Houses Were Going up Like Small Tornadoes

Mr. Yeadon describes the impact of American bombing raids on Yokohama and Tokyo.

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