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4752 results returned
Pulling the Pin a bit too Soon!

Pulling the Pin a bit too Soon!

Mr. Blake tells of a situation he found himself in while training with grenades.

Friend Dies in Accident

Friend Dies in Accident

Delaying his travel home, Mr. Blake tells about the accident that claimed his friend’s life realizing that he could have been a part of it.

Father Would Have Been Proud

Father Would Have Been Proud

Eager to join the service, Mr. Blake speaks about his decision to join and with his dad's passing, realizes that he made the right choice.

The Canadian Home Front

The Canadian Home Front


Animals in War

Animals in War


August 19, 1942 – Canadians came ashore in occupied France during the Second World War’s Dieppe Raid

August 19, 1942 – Canadians came ashore in occupied France during the Second World War’s Dieppe Raid


The Dieppe Canadian War Cemetery in France contains many fallen from the Dieppe Raid

The Dieppe Canadian War Cemetery in France contains many fallen from the Dieppe Raid


Canada Remembers the 75th anniversary of the Dieppe Raid

Canada Remembers the 75th anniversary of the Dieppe Raid


Scale models were created of the landing beaches and countryside during the Dieppe Raid

Scale models were created of the landing beaches and countryside during the Dieppe Raid


Extreme Honour as Part of Delegation

Extreme Honour as Part of Delegation

Mr. Moroz expresses his feelings on how pleased he was to be a part of the Vimy 100th delegation and the importance of remembering the sacrifices made by our Veterans.

A Smile on one’s Face!

A Smile on one’s Face!

Mr. Moroz shares his opinion on the strong sense of friendship amongst the military, something that is not as present in the civilian world.

Things don’t Always go Right

Things don’t Always go Right

Mr. Moroz shares an emotional and personal story of how his fellow comrade was killed, an incident one never is ready to experience.

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