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4752 results returned
Uniqueness of the HMCS Athabaskan

Uniqueness of the HMCS Athabaskan

Mr. Mellor describes unique aspects of being part of the crew of the HMCS Athabaskan and interpretations some sailors had for the work that they did.

Excitement of Going to War

Excitement of Going to War

After confirming his part in the Persian Gulf War, Mr. Mellor shares the sense of excitement felt gearing up and getting ready to go to sea.

From Rumours to Reality

From Rumours to Reality

Mr. Mellor shares the story of how he first heard of a contingent going to the Persian Gulf and steps he took to ensure he would be a part of it.

The Story of the Great Pumpkin

The Story of the Great Pumpkin

As sailors became a bit homesick, an elaborate act of morale was exercised when a huge pumpkin was flown above the ships acknowledging Halloween.

Recognition from the People of Kuwait

Recognition from the People of Kuwait

Vice Admiral Miller expresses his personal feelings of how lucky we are to be Canadians and the show of respect given to them by the people of Kuwait in respect to getting their country back.

Every Sailor Came Back Home

Every Sailor Came Back Home

Vice Admiral Millers speaks of the pride he has for the success of the deployment to the Persian Gulf and the fact that every sailor came back home.

Ship’s Intake Clogged with Sea Snakes

Ship’s Intake Clogged with Sea Snakes

Vice Admiral talks about the risk divers took to untangle deadly, poisonous sea snakes from the ship’s intake and the risk of death if one got bitten.

Closed Down for 72 Hours

Closed Down for 72 Hours

Vice Admiral Miller speaks about the tense moments especially when going through a minefield.

A Christmas Tradition on Board Ship

A Christmas Tradition on Board Ship

Vice Admiral Miller shares a humorous story about the exchange of duties on Christmas Day!

Morale Amongst Sailors Was Good!

Morale Amongst Sailors Was Good!

Contrary to some media reports, everyone worked as a team and was focused on the duties at hand.

The Support Back Home was Incredible

The Support Back Home was Incredible

Even though so far away, Vice-Admiral Miller and his crew always felt the support from their fellow countrymen back home.

Handcuffed to a Mailbag!

Handcuffed to a Mailbag!

Because of problems with mail delivery Vice Admiral tells a humorous story of how a petty officer was handcuffed to the mailbag ensuring that it would arrive to the sailors on board ship.

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