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4752 results returned
Unexpectedly Meeting My Brother

Unexpectedly Meeting My Brother

Unbelievable as it may seem, Mr. Preece shares the experience he had in meeting his brother in hospital; neither one aware the other joined up!

Getting Wounded Ended My Service

Getting Wounded Ended My Service

Mr. Preece recounts the situation where he became wounded and the path that followed being cared for in hospital by special doctors and nurses.

A Friends Gives His Shovel

A Friends Gives His Shovel

Mr. Preece shares a heart-warming story of the interaction he experienced with his buddy in providing his shovel and offering some advice only to find this friend is killed a short time later

Close Encounter With The Enemy

Close Encounter With The Enemy

Mr. Preece speaks about an instance where he encountered the enemy and struggles to accept the fact about his personal willingness to defend.

My First Time In Action

My First Time In Action

Thinking combat was going to be like the movies, Mr. Preece shares his story of the realization of fear and gruesome sights witnessed against the enemy

Signing Up Myself and a Friend

Signing Up Myself and a Friend

Once having an opportunity to join the Royal Regiment of Canada, Mr. Preece shares an amusing story of how he volunteered his friend to join as well.

A Great Thing To Be A Soldier

A Great Thing To Be A Soldier

Mr. Preece shares his reasons for joining the service and the path of excitement and pride he experienced in being a soldier

Freedom is not Free

Freedom is not Free

Mr. Palmer expresses his views on how Canada’s freedom has been hard fought.

The Importance of Paying Your Respect

The Importance of Paying Your Respect

Mr. Palmers shares a sincere moment with his son as they salute and honour the fallen at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider memorial in Ottawa.

Moving on to the Next Chapter of Life

Moving on to the Next Chapter of Life

Mr. Palmer shares a personal story of the focus he has now for family life now that he is retired from the military and the personal satisfaction he enjoys from his accomplishments during his military career.

In Uniform for 26 Years

In Uniform for 26 Years

Mr. Palmer shares an experience he had of the reality of Canada drawing down from Afghanistan as he watches the C-17 land in Canada.

Like Losing a Family Member

Like Losing a Family Member

Mr. Palmer describes the dangers and potential dangers while stationed in Kabul.

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