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4752 results returned
A Typical Day

A Typical Day

Mr. Hennessey explains that a days’ schedule could vary greatly.

First Deployment to a Foreign Land

First Deployment to a Foreign Land

Mr. Hennessey speaks about his first opportunity for deployment to Kabul as part of Roto O with the Royal Canadian Regiment and expresses the differences he witnessed in culture and lifestyle.

Pride of Service

Pride of Service

Ms. MacDonald reflects back on her time in the military and stresses the importance of remembering those who were lost as well as their families who suffer as well.

Always in the Minority

Always in the Minority

Ms. MacDonald reflects on women in the military.

The Common Bond as Canadian

The Common Bond as Canadian

Although not directly working with the soldiers in the field, Ms. MacDonald expresses the awareness of their presence within the same compound.

A Mission of Greater Threat

A Mission of Greater Threat

Ms. MacDonald recalls Kabul as a more threatening environment.

Environment within the Airfield Compound

Environment within the Airfield Compound

While walking the perimeter of the airfield compound, Ms. MacDonald provides a description of the sights and smells and constant flurry of activity from the locals as well as the military personnel from all nationalities.

Pride of Service

Pride of Service

Mr. Roberts expresses his pride and satisfaction with his military service.

Suicide Bomber Attacks

Suicide Bomber Attacks

Mr. Roberts speaks about a couple of occasions where suicide bombers detonated themselves a little too close to their convoys, a situation where training becomes key in the ability to control a very tense environment.

Escorting Convoys

Escorting Convoys

Mr. Roberts describes the responsibilities that come with escorting convoys and the need to be on alert at all times.

A Typical Day on Patrol

A Typical Day on Patrol

Mr. Roberts describes a typical day traveling through the villages interacting with the locals and ensuring their needs are met to the best of their ability.

Impact of Wearing the Canadian Uniform

Impact of Wearing the Canadian Uniform

Mr. Roberts recalls the positive impact that the uniform had on the local children and the overall improved environment the Canadian military fostered.

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