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Adapting to the Surroundings

Heroes Remember

Adapting to the Surroundings

I left the camp at least two dozen times, as part of convoy duties or air sentries transporting people from one place to another. I don't know how to explain it, it was just something that you immediately have to adapt to. It's part of your job and it was definitely an eye opener to see these people. You knew the people that wanted you there and you knew the people that didn't want you there. They would throw vegetables or rocks or wood, whatever they could get their hands on and throw at you, and then there would be people that would wave politely and clap their hands as you drove by. And it was interesting to see just how hard of a working people they are, I mean they're up before the sun is up building brick and getting their shops ready for sales and I mean as war torn as it was, I mean you would see little carriages on the side of the road selling Coke or Pepsi but in Muslim language and, you know, Aquafina water for us, they had the same kind of stuff there. It was something that I'll... It'll be with me forever.

Mr. Morrison speaks of his duties on air sentry and witnessing the existence of the Afghan people.

Jody Morrison

Mr. Morrison was born September 24, 1974 in Swindon, England. At fifteen months of age, his family moved to Edmonton, Alberta. Jody’s father was in the military and his influence directed Jody to join the service. At age 16, Jody joined the army and trained as a supply technician. Being part of 1 Service Battalion, he served within Canada and in July 2004 travelled to Kabul, Afghanistan for a seven month tour. In 2007, with ten years military service, Jody was medically discharged from the army. He now resides in Kingston, Ontario with his two children.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
February 10, 2009
Person Interviewed:
Jody Morrison
War, Conflict or Mission:
Canadian Armed Forces
1 Service Battalion
Supply Officer

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