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Daylight Raid Over Belgium

Heroes Remember

Daylight Raid Over Belgium


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I remember one daylight raid we made and I kind of think that was in Belgium because I remember flying over the Belgium airfield and the German aircraft were on the ground, on the airfield, you know, but none of them got up to attack us and one of our own bombers, I noticed there had lost an engine. I don't know how but anyway he had the props feathered, you know, in other words they weren't turning so then we just stayed with him until he got back safely and he wasn't attacked, neither were we but we stayed with him to add a little bit of gun support, you know, if he got a fighter attack and so on. But outside of that, you didn't see much of the daylight fighting. We lost, we didn't lose all that many, you know, in the invasion when they actually invaded. We lost more on the odd air raid than they lost the day of the invasion.

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