My Dog Makes a Huge Difference in my Life
Heroes Remember
My Dog Makes a Huge Difference in my Life
Interviewer: And what about some of the
worst aspects of your service there?
The worst aspect is always going
to be in the PTSD word.
It’s always going to be there.
Interviewer: And you spoke about the
loss of a friend, are you able to
share that with us?
No. No, I never talk about it because
for me it’s so painful
I will do anything to avoid it.
It’s as simple as that.
Like her, my little girl there,
“Kenya, come here!”
If I have nightmare at night
she lick my hand, she wake me up
before the nightmare starts so
my life improved since August.
I have diabetes and if my sugar
is too high, too low, she lick my hand.
If I have a flashback she’ll jump and
lick my face. So she’s a life changer.
But thank God I have her because before
that she’s taking care of my balance.
I’m waiting for a special harness with a
handle and I don’t need my crutches anymore.
My speech impairment is not that bad
anymore because now I sleep at night.
The lack of sleep destroys your brain
because if you fall asleep you
have a nightmare, no matter what drug you
take the nightmare is going to be there.
The atrocity of war, it’s like driving in the
land where there’s a wreckage of airplanes
were shot down full of people and
the people are gone, they’re buried a long
time ago but the wreckage is still there.
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