Remembrance Moments - Indigenous Veterans
Remembrance Moments
Remembrance Moments - Indigenous Veterans
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Soldiers climb out of a trench
Soldiers running through a battlefield
As many as 12,000 Indigenous CanadiansSoldiers of the 20th battalion stand in formation with their rifles
Soldiers emerge from a trench onto the battlefield
Served and sacrificedJoseph Bomberry and George Buck pose for a photo
A group of five voluntary recruits from Saskatchewan pose for a photo
In two World WarsLanding crafts carrying soldiers travel through the water
Soldiers march in formation
Sgt. Tommy Prince (R) with his brother Pte. Morris Prince (L) look out into the distance
And the Korean WarPte. Lloyd Michon (L) and Pte. Fred Young (R) and Edith Anderson (Helene Moses)
These courageous men and womenSoldiers march in formation
Left their home communitiesTwo female military personnel pose for a photo in dress uniform
Soldiers march in formation
To join the fight for freedomLt. David Greyeyes
Sgt. Tommy Prince salutes
Skilled marksmenThree soldiers pose for a photo
Talented scoutsA group of soldiers pose for a picture. In front two men wear traditional native headdresses
Fearless soldiersSymbolic codes
Code talkersCpl. Huron Brant is awarded a medal
Their bravery and skill have been recognizedNaval boats
By countries around the worldChief Joe Dreaver (L) and Nelson Shead (R)
Cpl. Francis Pegahmagabow and officers of the 1st Battalion pose for a photo
This proud tradition of service to our countrySoldiers partaking in modern day warfare
Continues to this day #RememberThemMilitary personnel standing at attention for a moment of silence during a Remembrance Day ceremony
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